Reach the Night Sky - A Dream

Living the dream .. I miss the old time. Past-Now-Future

So. Today I get up and get ready to school before I found out that my lil' brother is not ready yet at all.. off course, it resulted in me getting late and dropped-out from school.. Seeing that my Mother is doing bed-rest a home and my Father has gone to work.. I decided (forced) to get home by Transjakarta Busway. Meanwhile, all of my friends are studying the gravitation of F=G.m1.m2.R^-2 in Ms. Norak's class... and I want to join ! Uhh..
Seeing that my Bus is passing through Gambir-2 Busway station which is quite near to the MONAS.. I decided to visit it hoho.. fyi, I've rarely been to is the first time I go alone (and won't anymore, I think)..

I've arrived around 7:45AM and MONAS haven't opened yet.. I read it is written Open : 8:00 AM BUT it opens at 8:30 AM.. so I walking around the park and once thinking about changing my Batik clothes to my School's sport uniform while I realize that the sport's uniform have a big SMAK 2 PENABUR emblem and I don't have anywhere else to put my extra-heavy bag on..

Gate : OPEN !
8:30 AM has come and I log in to Monas through the underground Tunnel, buy the Rp2000 Entrance Ticket and go to the Upper-Lift ticket and realize I should buy the one that cost Rp1000 because I'm a student. I buy a student Lift-ticket for Rp3500 and get up to that 110m high..building.. found out how Jakarta undermist is.. Amazing! Unluckily I can't see my Kelapa Gading because it's still in a mist.. and I proof that Sun is rising from the East, because the Eastern part is really shiny and I almost can't see anything there..

The BULEE incidence..
Not to be arrogant of what, please foreigner, feel free to talk to me in English ! I can understand your language and I can help you to go where you want, instead trying to talk to me in your influent Indonesian which I'll reply in English either.. hehe. Do my face looks somewhat like a donkey that can't talk English ? A Bulee scream to me : TIKET !!! hey.. impolite .. anyway.. I replied.. right there through the tunnel.. LOL..

Getting home..
After visiting the upper part, middle part and lowest part of MONAS, I decided to go home and soon find out that place where I drop from Transjakarta and place where I am now is like West to East, vice versa.. Bringing my heavy bag.. I'm walking hopelessly to the Transjakarta station and waited for the bus. Bus comes, I get home.. and fell asleep..

Well.. that's what happen when I wasn't in school because of that belated accident.. will update soon !

Was I fell for you ? I thought it just a perception of love.. but..

I was standing in a middle of empty room but Piano.. night 7:30PM and there's a big shadow over me.. I lost my mind.. I was thinking about girls I've played out with.. girls I play in order so I can forget you.. Cause 'Distraction' always the best way to forget someone.. but..What happen today ? I can only think of you.. I try to find another girl in another school.. so I can forget you. But alas, I can't. Why your face is floating on my mind ?? I know I've tried my best to forget you.. I find too many activities.. From being extra Introvert to being slight Extrovert now, all just to forget you ! Why it's so hard ? Were I having my first love ? Weren't it was only a perception ? Is love this sad ? If I really loves you,why on hell I will banish you out like your not priceless anymore in my bottomless heart ? Why ? Man.

And why regret always come last ?
I can't think anything right now.. I just.. miss.. her.. smile and her.. EVERYTHING ... 

Well.. for a fast update. I wasted 365 days of my bachelor year and I failed to get Science then I move on from my school to smak2, another school in another part of Jakarta. Now I lose almost all of my smak5 friend and I'm too introvert to made more friends in smak2. awful. Now I can only regretting what has happened...

"I was blinded by nastiest of nasty devil that I try as hard as I can to deny that it is all my fault and I keep searching for another school another way to get Science through any way. And I know I lose one big thing, is my  FRIENDS"

And I don't make friend easily..
And I can't be as free as I used to be..
And I miss all my friends...
And I ...